10:39 Grade 11-12. Готовимся к СОЧ за III четверть (Computer science & Programming) | |
Computer science. SAT preparation 12.3 12.3A Computer systems Types of OS - QUIZ Types of User Interfaces - QUIZ Fetch-Execute cycle - QUIZ CPU & Computer performance & System bus - QUIZ Addressing modes - QUIZ CISC vs RISC - QUIZ Paging & Segmentation & Virtual machine - QUIZ Boolean logic - QUIZ 12.3B Data representation Number representation - QUIZ Converting numbers from one number system to another - QUIZ Negative numbers representation - QUIZ Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication - QUIZ Fix-point numbers - QUIZ Floating point numbers - QUIZ 12.3C Network OSI model - QUIZ Packet switching & Circuit switching - QUIZ MAC addresses - QUIZ Computer science. SAT preparation 11.3 11.3B Web-programming Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) (Computer Science) & Types of CSS - QUIZ HTML Forms - QUIZ PHP - QUIZ PHP & Database - QUIZ 11.3A Algorithms and Data structure Array 1D - QUIZ Arrays 1D&2D - QUIZ Sort array (Bubble & Insertion) - QUIZ Searching in an array - QUIZ Programming. SAT preparation 12.3 PyGame. Keyboard events - QUIZ
Programming. SAT preparation 11.3 Python. List methods - Exercises, QUIZ Python. String methods - Exercises Nested lists - QUIZ Python. Dictionary - QUIZ Python. Functions - QUIZ Python. Lambda function - QUIZ | |
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