CISC vs RISC describe the RISC architecture describe the CISC architecture compare RISC and CISC 


The two main types of computer processors are: 

  • Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) 
  • Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) 
Complex Instruction Set Reduced Instruction Set.
Non-fixed size of instruction, e.g. instructions have variable format. Fixed-size of instruction
Uses complex instructions each of which may take multiple cycles. Complex tasks can only be performed by combining several simple tasks so a task may take several machine cycles.
Many instructions and addressing modes are available. Can perform complex tasks faster. A limited number of instructions are available. The instruction performs a simple task. Can perform simple tasks faster.
Small code sizes Large code sizes
High cycles per second Low cycles per second
Has a complicated and expensive processor design. Simple processor design.
Has more components on the CPU than a RISC processor Less components on CPU than in CISC processor
Use less RAM  Use more RAM
Produces more heat, requires heat sink/fan Produces less heat
Used in PC Used in tablets and mobile devices
Memory-to-memory Register-to-register
Require more power Require less power
Uses less registers than in RISC Uses more registers than in CISC
Cannot use pipelining Uses pipelining



  1. Name features for CISC and RISC.
  2. Explain the differences between CISC and RISC.
  3. What type of processor is used for laptops? Why?


Ex. 1

Ex. 2 Complete the following text by using the words and phrases given below to fill in the gaps.

Ex. 3 Complete this task by selecting RISC and CISC processor characteristics.


Exam questions:

Question. Compare the features of a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architecture with that of Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) architecture, stating one advantage of each. (Marks: 6)
  • Answer.
  • RISC has a small instruction set of simple instructions which can all be performed in one clock cycle (1)
  • CISC has a large set of instructions that combine load and store operations with the arithmetic operation to be performed (1).
  • Advantage of RISC: instructions can be pipelined leading to better performance than CISC (1) Simpler more cost-effective processor design (1)
  • Advantage of CISC: Less work for the compiler to do to translate a high-level language to machine code (1)
  • Less RAM used to hold instructions (1)
  • Quicker to write assembly language programs (1)


Категория: System architecture | Добавил: bzfar77 (21.01.2021)
Просмотров: 7125 | Теги: word size, Registers, CISC, CPU, RISC | Рейтинг: 4.6/5
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