System bus describe the purpose of CPU components, system bus and main memory

System bus

System bus (extended in grade 12)

Bus - microscopic parallel wires that transmit data between internal components.

The main bus is the SYSTEM BUS

Its actually made up of 3 separate buses, but when we join them together we can just call it the System Bus

System bus – the main highway connecting the CPU, the main memory and I/O controllers. It is made up of a data bus, an address bus and a control bus.

Address Bus

Function: Carries the address of the location to be accessed (for either read or write).

Unidirectional: The CPU sends out addresses on this bus to the main memory or other I/O devices to select a location for reading or writing, but devices don't send addresses back to the CPU on this bus.

Width: The width (number of wires or lines) determines how many memory locations can be addressed. For example, a 16-bit wide address bus can access 2^16 or 65,536 unique memory locations.

Data Bus

Function: Transfers actual data between the CPU and memory or I/O devices.

Bidirectional: Data can flow both ways. The CPU can read data from memory or write data to it.

Width: The width of the data bus (often called the word size) often determines the amount of data a CPU can process at once. For example, a 32-bit data bus can transfer 32 bits of data in a single operation.

Control Bus

Function: Carries control signals to manage and direct the operation of the entire computer system. These signals can indicate whether a current operation is a read or write, whether the system should interrupt the current process, etc.

Bidirectional: Some control lines are unidirectional, while others might be bidirectional, depending on the nature of the control signal.

Signals: Some common control signals include:

  • Read (indicating a read operation)
  • Write (indicating a write operation)
  • Interrupt Request (IRQ, from devices wanting the CPU's attention)
  • Memory Write (signal to write to a memory location)
  • Bus Request (when a component wants control of the bus)
  • Reset (to restart the CPU or other components)


1. What is a computer bus?
  • A set of parallel wires connecting independent components of computer system.
2. System bus includes …
  • Control bus, Address bus, System bus
3. What is an I/O controller?
  • I/O controller is an electronic circuit than one side connects to the system bus and on the other side connects to an I/O device.
4. Explain the role of the address bus, data bus, and main memory
  • Address bus - used to specify a physical address in memory so that the data bus can access it.
  • Data bus - transfers data between the processor and main memory.
  • Main memory - stores data and instructions that will be used by the processor.


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Категория: System architecture | Добавил: bzfar77 (06.09.2020)
Просмотров: 7891 | Теги: Unidirectional, system bus, address bus, Bus, control bus, bi-directional, Flow, data bus | Рейтинг: 4.1/17
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