Plagiarism and antiplagiarism resources check documents using antiplagiarism resources

Plagiarism and antiplagiarism resources

Plagiarism (for 5-year-olds) - taking work done by someone else and saying it is yours.

Plagiarism is passing off somebody else's work as your own.

How should candidates reference their sources?

Whether the information is in the form of a diagram, an image, a quotation, or a passage, if it has come from another source this must be cited at the point it appears in our work and included in the bibliography or list of references section at the end of that work.

We must clearly show:

  • exactly where and how someone else’s work has been used within their submission 
  • whose work it is, and the source it came from.

When we use the work of others, must ensure that we are not trying to present this work as though it is our own. 

We must record details of each source we consult as we prepare our coursework. We should use either ‘single’ or “double” quotation marks accurately and consistently around the text quoted when recording material taken from sources. This will allow us to use these quotations accurately within our work.

What are acceptable and unacceptable approaches to referencing?
Please read the acceptable and unacceptable approaches to referencing (PDF, 37KB) guide.

What referencing system should be used?
The referencing system should include, at a minimum:

  • the author(s), photographer, or artist
  • the title
  • the date and place of publication (where stated)
  • (for electronic resources) the URL and the date it was accessed, as the content may change over time.

When we are using videos from the internet, the following information should be included in the reference:

  • the name of the person posting a video
  • the title of the film or program
  • the year the video was posted
  • the URL for the location of the video and the date it was accessed, as the content may change over time.

Source: Cambridge Assessment International Education

The 5 Types of Plagiarism | Explanations & Examples


Antiplagiarism - program for detecting text reuse.

Anti-plagiarism systems, also known as plagiarism detection tools, operate using several key methods to identify copied or unoriginal content.

It used to take a long time to search the text and evaluate the quality of written work by experts, while the search for sources of borrowed passages could go on endlessly. Antiplagiat, an innovative text reuse search engine, greatly simplifies this process. Thanks to Antiplagiat, we have the opportunity not only to evaluate the quality of our text but also to understand which fragments need improvement.

How do plagiarism detection tools work?

Plagiarism detection tools work through a combination of digital techniques and algorithms to identify instances of copied or unoriginal content. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how these tools generally operate:

  • Submission of work. The process starts when a text (such as an academic paper, article, or essay) is submitted to the plagiarism detection tool.
  • Text parsing. The submitted document is parsed, meaning it is broken down into smaller elements. This can include splitting the text into sentences, phrases, or individual words.
  • Database comparison. The tool compares the submitted text against a database. This database can include published works, academic papers, web pages, and other relevant sources. The comparison can be done by matching exact words, and phrases, or even by checking for similar sentence structures.
  • Detection of direct and indirect plagiarism. Direct plagiarism (exact copying) is detected through direct comparison, while more sophisticated systems can detect indirect plagiarism (paraphrasing, changing words) using algorithms that analyze the structure and semantics of the text.
  • Analysis and matching. The system analyzes the text for matches. This involves not just finding identical text, but also identifying where the text might have been slightly altered. Advanced tools use algorithms that understand context and semantics, allowing them to detect even heavily paraphrased content.
  • Generating a report. After the analysis, the tool generates a report. This report usually includes a percentage score indicating the amount of plagiarized content and highlights the specific sections of the text that match other sources. It may also provide links or references to the original sources.
  • Review by a human. Finally, it’s common for a human reviewer (such as a teacher or editor) to look over the report. This is important because plagiarism detection tools aren't perfect and can sometimes flag content incorrectly or miss subtle instances of plagiarism.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of a plagiarism detection tool depends on the size and comprehensiveness of its database, the sophistication of its algorithms, and its ability to parse and analyze different types of text content. Additionally, these tools are continually evolving, incorporating more advanced technology like AI and machine learning to improve accuracy.

Antiplagiarism resources

The services are designed to check text documents for borrowings. As a result of verification, users receive verification reports.


1. Explain the term "plagiarism".

2. Describe the main function of antiplagiarism software.



Ex. 1

Ex. 2

Take a description of alternative approaches from your coursework and test in various anti-plagiarism systems. Determine the uniqueness of your text.

Antiplagiarism system Originality / Uniqueness  

Exam questions:


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