Hacking & Cracking analyse ethical problems arising due to computer system cracking


Cracking is the process of obtaining a password by force (by skipping authentication and registration steps).

When criminals are targeting the large organisations, there are various methods of attack.


  • To crack password hackers use brute force and dictionary attacks;
  • Uses data connected to the account in order to crack it;
  • Tries every possible combination of symbols.

-Used by criminals to get access to private data.
+May be used to recover a forgotten password.


Types of cracking

Brute force attack.

This is a general attack on a network and requires no specialist knowledge of the individuals or the organisation. It is a trial-and-error method of obtaining login names and passwords to allow the hacker to access the network.

For example, automated software can be used to generate and try millions of login names and passwords.

Success is based on computing power and the number of combinations tried rather than an ingenious algorithm. That is why it is called 'brute force'.

How to prevent password cracking?

  • Choose a very long password;
  • Сreate complex passwords (uses upper and lower case, digits, symbols).

Dictionary attack.

A dictionary attack is a method of breaking into a password-protected computer, network, or other IT resource by systematically entering each word in the dictionary as a password. A dictionary attack can also be used to try to find the key needed to decrypt an encrypted message or document.


How to prevent password cracking?

  • Choose a password that is not in a dictionary;
  • Add numeric / punctuation / etc;
  • Is made up of other words;
  • Uses other character sets;
  • Uses upper and lower case;
  • Do not use names, dates, the same word twice or words with numbers appended.




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Категория: Protection data | Добавил: bzfar77 (29.11.2020)
Просмотров: 5554 | Теги: Cracking, dictionary attack, haching, Brute Force | Рейтинг: 4.0/4
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