SMART objectives

SMART objectives

The SMART decryption helps as a test that helps to assess the quality of the measurements.

Evaluation  Questions
Specific Could the goal be sufficient to identify problems or opportunities? Is the goal detailed enough to measure real-world challenges and opportunities?
Measurable Can a quantitative or qualitative attribute be applied to create a measure?
Achievable Can a goal be used to get a result?
Relevant Can the goal be applied to a specific problem?
Time limit Will you be able to get results in a certain period of time?

Setting a SMART goal is easy. It is enough to develop it so that it fits all the criteria of this abbreviation.

Edwin Locke's five principles to effectively achieve goals:

Clarity. The goal must be clear and understandable for it to be effective.
Challenge. A good goal must have a level of difficulty for you to make an effort to achieve that goal.
Commitment. If you are not committed to your goal, it is difficult to achieve anything at all, especially if your goal involves certain difficulties.
Feedback. You should be kept informed of your progress towards victory. This information should motivate you.
Task complexity. The more difficult the task, the longer it will take you to complete it. A good goal doesn't have to be difficult, but understanding the complexity of your goal is an important part of developing a plan to achieve it.

In your project work, start describing SMART goals with the words "The system should" and use Goal-setting verbs:
provide, calculate, organize, output, request, form, execute, recognize, receive, send, etc.


The new system should...

1) provide registration of new user;

2) organize ...

3) ...

More about SMART objectives





Категория: Stages of SDLC | Добавил: bzfar77 (17.11.2020)
Просмотров: 2936 | Теги: specific, Time Limit, Achievable, Smart, Measurable, Relevant | Рейтинг: 4.8/4
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