Implementation method. Pilot conversion

Implementation method. Pilot conversion

Pilot conversion, or pilot study, is a method of system implementation where the new system is initially introduced in a limited part of the organization. Here's how it generally works and what to consider:


  • Controlled introduction. The new system is implemented in a single department or location before a full rollout.
  • Feedback oriented. The purpose of a pilot implementation is often to gather feedback and to catch any issues early on.
  • Reduced risk. Since the new system is contained in a small area, the risk of widespread operational disruption is minimized.


  • Manageable scale. Problems are easier to manage and contain because the new system affects a smaller area.
  • Real-world testing. The organization gets to see how the system performs in a live environment but with less at stake.
  • Training and adaptation. It serves as a training ground for users and IT staff to adapt to the new system.
  • Iterative improvement. The organization can make adjustments and improvements to the system before a larger-scale rollout.


  • Slower rollout. Full implementation across the organization takes longer compared to the direct changeover approach.
  • Resource intensive. May require additional resources since the old system continues to run in other parts of the organization.
  • Potential for confusion. Different parts of the organization are using different systems simultaneously, which can lead to confusion.


  • Complex systems. Useful for complex systems where the organization wants to minimize risk by testing in a controlled environment.
  • Large organizations. Particularly advantageous for large organizations where a direct changeover would be too risky.
  • High-risk environments. In industries where system failures can lead to significant problems, pilot conversion can ensure safety and compliance.


  • Selecting pilot site. The organization must choose an appropriate part of the business that is representative of the larger system but contained enough to control.
  • Training pilot users. Users in the pilot site need comprehensive training to operate the new system effectively.
  • Support structures. Adequate support must be in place to quickly address any problems that arise during the pilot phase.

Pilot conversion is a strategic choice for organizations looking to minimize disruption while ensuring that the system will meet the organization's needs before committing to a full-scale implementation.

Категория: Types of SDLC | Добавил: bzfar77 (05.11.2023)
Просмотров: 826 | Теги: Pilot conversion, implementation method | Рейтинг: 1.0/1
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