В категории материалов: 72
Показано материалов: 11-20
Web development. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- External style sheet
- Internal style sheet
- Inline style
- Classes
- ID
- Questions
- Exercises
- Tasks use the CSS stylesheet when creating a site |
Python. PyGame. Keyboard events
- Keyboard events
- Keyboard events attribute
- Check key down
- Task 1
- Task 2
- Using keyboard shortcuts
- Questions
- Exercises
- Tasks control characters with the keyboard. |
Python. PyGame. Mouse events
- Mouse events
- Mouse clicks
- Cursor position
- Task 1
- Task 2
- Drag and drop
- Questions
- Exercises
- Tasks control characters with the mouse. |
Python. PyGame. Loading and animation pictures
- Loading pictures
- How to load the picture
- How to determine the size of the surface
- Creating a background for race
- Add car movement
- Questions
- Exercises
- Tasks code the movement of graphic objects |
Python. Tuple (Кортеж)
- Описание
- Неизменяемость
- Сравнение кортежей
- Множественное присваивание
- Вопросы
- Упражнения
- Задачи создавать кортеж; выполнять доступ к элементам строк, списков, кортежей; |
Python. PyGame. Draw module
- Draw module
- line
- lines
- polygon
- rectangle
- circle
- ellipse
- arc
- Examples
- Questions
- Exercises
- Tasks output graphic primitives to the application window. |
PIL library. Image processing.
- Wave library
- Open and close *.wav files
- Functions of Wave library
- Get information about *.wav file
- Struct library
- Questions
- Exercises
- Tasks use commands of the Wave library to process sound files. |
PIL library. Image processing.
- Model example
- Load pixels and Change color
- Get three colors from the pixel
- ImageFilter module in PIL
- Types of filters in ImageFilter
- Questions
- Exercises
- Tasks use commands of module Image in PIL library (load, create, size, save) to manipulate images. create filters for image processing.
PIL library determine standard colors by RGB code; use commands of module Image in PIL library (load, create, size, save) to manipulate images; apply graphic primitives to create drawings. |
Random library use the functions of the library Random to get a pseudo-random number. determine the function of the library Random for the specified task. identify code snippets that use random sequence generation.