

Learning objectives: use the technical terms associated with arrays including upper and lower bounds write program code using 1D and 2D arrays 

I. Definition

A data structure is a collection of elementary data types such as integer, real, boolean, and char.

An array is a data structure that contains finite set of indexed elements of the same type, united by the same name.

1D array is similar to a table of objects or primitive types, keyed by index.


1D Array: students

0 1 2 3 4
Diana Abai Malika Zhanna Ruslan

1D Array: marks

0 1 2 3 4
34 30 37 33 31

1D arrays in pseudocode:

students = ["Diana","Abai","Malika","Zhanna","Ruslan"]
marks = [34, 30, 37, 33, 31]
OUTPUT marks[3]              // output 33
OUTPUT students[0]           // output Diana
OUTPUT students[1], " - ", marks[1]    // output Abai - 30

II. Array processing

n - length of array 

arr - array

Input elements of array from the keyboard:

FOR i = 0 TO n - 1

INPUT arr[i]


Output elements of array:

FOR i = 0 TO n - 1

OUTPUT arr[i]


Determining the index of the minimum element of the array and its value:

index = 0 // index of minimal element

min = arr[index] // value of minimal element

FOR i = 1 TO n - 1

IF min > arr[i]

THEN min = arr[i] 


OUTPUT index, min

Сalculating the sum of array elements:

sum = 0 // start sum

FOR i = 0 TO n - 1

sum = sum + arr[i]



Сounting the number of even elements of an array:

count = 0 // start count

FOR i = 0 TO n - 1

IF arr[i] MOD 2 = 0

THEN count = count + 1


OUTPUT count

Outputting array elements with odd indices:

FOR i = 0 TO n - 1

IF i MOD 2 <> 0



III. PHP Indexed Array

1D arrays in PHP program:

$students = array("Diana","Abai","Malika","Zhanna","Ruslan");   // array of five elements
$marks = array(34, 30, 37, 33, 31);
echo $marks[3]."<br>";               // output 33
echo $students[0]."<br>";            // output Diana
echo $students[1]." - ".$marks[1];     // output Abai - 30

Output all elements of an Indexed Array students.

$students = array("Diana","Abai","Malika","Zhanna","Ruslan");
$arrlength = count($students);   // count() - Counts the number of elements in an array
for($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++)  // $arrlength = 5 (in array five elements)
  echo $students[$x]."<br>";

IV. PHP Associative Arrays

Associative arrays are arrays that use named keys that you assign to them.

1D array result:

Diana Abai Malika Zhanna Ruslan
34 30 37 33 31


$result = array("Diana"=>34, "Abai"=>30, "Malika"=>37, "Zhanna"=>33, "Ruslan"=>31);

It means that

$result["Diana"] = 34

$result["Malika"] = 37

$result["Ruslan"] = 31

Output all elements of an Associative Array result.

$result = array("Diana"=>34, "Abai"=>30, "Malika"=>37, "Zhanna"=>33, "Ruslan"=>31);
foreach($result as $x => $x_value) // iterate each element of array by key
  echo "Key=" . $x . ", Value=" . $x_value;
  echo "<br>";


Key=Diana, Value=34
Key=Abai, Value=30
Key=Malika, Value=37
Key=Zhanna, Value=33
Key=Ruslan, Value=31

Task. Determine who got 34 or more marks.

$result = array("Diana"=>34, "Abai"=>30, "Malika"=>37, "Zhanna"=>33, "Ruslan"=>31);
echo "Students who got 34 or more marks:<br>";
foreach($result as $x => $x_value) 
  if ($x_value >= 34)
      echo $x . "<br>";

Some examples:

Convert string to array

$my_string="4 7 9 1 89";
$my_array = explode(" ", $my_string); //split a string into an array by spaces
$num = (int)($my_array[0]); // convert string to integer

Fill array of random numbers

$n = 10;
for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
    $arr[$i] = rand(1, 100); // assign an element of array random number

Output elements of array in line

for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
    print $arr[$i]." ";

Next line

print "<br>";



  1. What is an array, and how is it defined in programming?
  2. Describe the process of inputting elements into an array from the keyboard.
  3. Write a code snippet to calculate the sum of all elements in an array arr of length n.
  4. How do you create an associative array?
  5. Explain how to iterate over an associative array in PHP to display each key-value pair.
  6. How to process associative arrays to print elements according to criteria?


Ex. 1 Define array elements

Ex. 2  

Tasks on

Ex. 3 Implement the Luhn algorithm

Task on


Exam questions:




Категория: Programming languages | Добавил: bzfar77 (03.02.2021)
Просмотров: 5061 | Теги: Index, 2D, data structure, Element, matrix, Bound, Table, 1D, array | Рейтинг: 5.0/5
Всего комментариев: 0