classify programming languages into low and high-level advantages and disadvantages of high-level languages advantages and disadvantages of low-level languages
Low and High level languages
What is programming language (PL)?
A programming language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform specific tasks.
A programming language is a set of commands, instructions, and other syntax use to create a software program.
According to Wikipedia, there are about 700 programming languages.
A computer program is a list of instructions that enable a computer to perform a specific task.
Programming languages are basically classified into two main categories – Low level language and High level language.
Computer programs can be written in high and low level languages, depending on the task and the hardware being used.
Difference between low level PL and high level PL
Low level PL
High level PL
Low level languages are used to write programs that relate to the specific architecture and hardware of a particular type of computer.
They are closer to the native language of a computer (binary), making them harder for programmers to understand.
High level languages are written in a form that is close to our human language, enabling to programmer to just focus on the problem being solved.
No particular knowledge of the hardware is needed as high level languages create programs that are portable and not tied to a particular computer or microchip.
These programmer friendly languages are called ‘high level’ as they are far removed from the machine code instructions understood by the computer.
Closer to the natural language of a computer (binary)
Often relates to the specific architecture and hardware of a particular type of computer
One line of low level code of usually becomes one line of machine code
Close to human language
Statements are easier to understand for human than a low level language
No knowledge of a computer hardware is needed
Portable (can be used on different types of computers)
One line of high level code of usually becomes many lines of machine code