Python. Functions (en) write code in a programming language using functions assign function parameters

Python. Functions

A function in programming, or a subroutine, is a piece of program code that can be accessed from another place in the program.

A function is a specially grouped set of commands that are executed sequentially but considered as a whole. In this case, the function may return (or not return) its result.


  • allow not to write repetitive program code;
  • improve the readability of the program;
  • allow you to quickly fix errors in the program.

A function is declared before it is called. A function description begins with a command def, followed by the name of the function, and a list of arguments in parentheses. The arguments get their values from the main program. A colon is placed at the end of the function declaration line.


def name_of_function(arguments):
value # the function may return (or not return) its result

# main program
name_of_function(parameters) # function call



A function that prints the string "Hello!" and returns nothing

def hello(): # creates a function with the identifier hello
    print("Hello!") # the function output Hello!

hello() # function call

Passing Parameters to Function Arguments

When we call a function we can pass actual values or variable values as parameters


def greet(name): # greet function will take one argument
    print("Hello,", name) # the function output Hello, Roman

greet("Roman") # call function greet and pass value "Roman" to the argument name

We can send several parameters. The value of the first parameter goes to the first argument, the value of the second parameter goes to the second argument, etc.


def mult(a, b, c): # mult function takes three arguments
    return a * b * c  # returns the multiplication of three numbers

print(mult(2, 3, 4)) # 2 --> a, 3 --> b, 4 --> c
# output 24

Setting default values

We can set default values for arguments. In this case, if we do not pass the parameter to the argument, then the default value of the argument is used, if we pass, then the value of the parameter is used.

Example 1

def mult(a, b, c=1): # c has default value
    return a * b * c

print(mult(2, 3)) # 2 --> a, 3 --> b
# output 6

Example 2

def mult(a, b=1, c=1): # b and c has default value
    return a * b * c

print(mult(2)) # 2 --> a
# output 2

Example 3

def mult(a=0, b=1, c=1): # a, b and c has default values
    return a * b * c

print(mult()) # without parameters
# output 0

If we pass parameters to default arguments, then the arguments get the value from the parameters.

Example 4

def mult(a=0, b=1, c=1): # a, b and c has default value, but a and b change values
    return a * b * c # 3 * 5 * 1

print(mult(3, 5)) # 3 --> a, 5 --> b
# output 15

Arbitrary Arguments (*args)

If we do not know how many values will be passed to the arguments, then an arbitrary argument with an asterisk is used. Arbitrary argument packs values into a tuple.


def numbers(*nums): # *args
    return nums 

print(numbers(3, 5, 9)) # output (3, 5, 9)
print(numbers(1, 7, 5, 4)) # output (1, 7, 5, 4)

Keyword arguments (**kwargs)

A set of named arguments can be passed a keyword argument with two asterisks. Keyword argument packs values into a dictionary.


def capitals(**cities): # **kwargs
    return cities

print(capitals(Turkey="Ankara", Russia="Moscow"))
# output {'Turkey': 'Ankara', 'Russia': 'Moscow'}
print(capitals(China="Beijing", Austria="Vienna", Greece="Athens"))
# output {'China': 'Beijing', 'Austria': 'Vienna', 'Greece': 'Athens'}

Example using *args and **kwargs

def func_nums(*nums, **words): # *args, **kwargs
    return nums, words

print(func_nums(5, 7, 10, 8, one=1, two=2, five=5))  
# output ((5, 7, 10, 8), {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'five': 5})


  1. What are the key advantages of using user-defined functions in programming over writing repetitive code blocks?
  2. How can parameters and return values be utilized within user-defined functions to enhance their flexibility and usefulness?
  3. What are the best practices for naming and organizing user-defined functions to ensure code readability and maintainability?


Ex. 1 Define parts of the function structure


Task 1. Write a Python function sum() that takes two numbers as input parameters and returns their sum.

Task 2. Create a Python function length() that accepts a string as an argument and returns the length of the string.

Task 3. Implement a Python function maximum() that takes an array of integers as input and returns the maximum value in the array.

Task 4. Write a Python function sum() that takes several numbers as input parameters and returns their sum.


Категория: Programming languages | Добавил: bzfar77 (07.02.2022)
Просмотров: 5083 | Теги: Python, Return, argument, Function | Рейтинг: 4.3/6
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