Simple expert system (declarative languages)  create a simple expert system

Expert system on declarative language

An expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert.

Key terms used in Expert systems

A fact is a basic assertion about a specific relationship or property in the problem domain.

A fact is a small portion of important information. Facts on their own are of very limited use.

A rule is a conditional statement that defines a relationship based on other facts or rules.

A query is a question asked to the system to determine if certain facts or rules are satisfied.


Prolog (Programming in Logic) is a high-level language rooted in formal logic. It’s particularly known for its use in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and computational linguistics.


Key Concepts of Prolog:

  1. Facts: These are basic assertions about some relationships or properties. They state unconditionally true things. For example:

    parent(john, mary).

  2. Rules: These are conditional assertions that describe relationships between facts. They are defined using implications. For example:

    grandparent(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), parent(Z, Y).

    This rule states that X is a grandparent of Y if X is a parent of Z and Z is a parent of Y.

  3. Queries: A query is a way to ask the system whether certain conditions are met based on the facts and rules provided. For example:

    ?- grandparent(john, Y).

    This asks Prolog to find all Y such that John is the grandparent of Y.

  4. Backtracking: Prolog uses a mechanism called backtracking to systematically search through possible solutions to queries. If Prolog hits a dead end while solving a problem, it goes back and tries a different path.

Note: pay attention to the syntax of the language

Task: Create an expert system for the next family tree 


parent(kanat, umit).
parent(kanat, azamat).


father(X, Y):-parent(X, Y), male(X).

Complete the task.


male(kanat).  //True
male(alya).  //False
parent(kanat, umit). //true 
parent(marat, umit).  //false 
father(kanat, X).     // X = umit     X = azamat


Additionally, Learn Prolog Now!


  1. Give definitions for the terms "expert system", "fact" and "rule".
  2. Explain features of the declarative programming paradigm.


Ex. 1 "Create an expert system in Prolog"

Write an expert system for the next family tree:

Create five queries.

Ex. 2 "Analyze Prolog program"

Answer the questions and fill in the blanks using the source.

Ex. 3

Answer the questions and fill in the blanks using the source.

Exam questions:



Категория: Programming languages | Добавил: bzfar77 (15.09.2020)
Просмотров: 5694 | Теги: Fact, query, swish, Prolog, expert system, Rule | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
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